I am determined to serve my family organic, locally grown, whole foods as much as possible. It is so important to eat lots of fruits and vegetables and get adequate exercise and sunshine. Every day we (mostly Matthew) take the boys on a walk so they can get exercise and some sunlight. It's so important to begin the day by moving your body and getting fresh air and sunshine. I have to thank my parents for encouraging us to excercise and setting good examples; my Mom runs/walks everyday and does Tae-Bo every other day (I think) and she's done that ever since I can remember. My Dad walks their dogs and does back exercises every day (or almost everyday). Thanks Mom and Dad!! I want to be a good example to my children and hope they continue their healthy ways into adulthood. We are trying to take hikes with the kids every weekend so that one day we can go backpacking with them...how fun would that be!!!
Here's a great food guide that I think everyone should have hanging in their house:
I'm also never buying canned, processed foods anymore. They are full of chemicals and devoid of nutrients and enzymes. Here's some information on the recent findings of the toxic chemical, Bisphenol A in canned foods:
A Survey of Bisphenol A in U.S. Canned FoodsMarch 5, 2007Summary.
Independent laboratory tests found a toxic food-can lining ingredient associated with birth defects of the male and female reproductive systems in over half of 97 cans of name-brand fruit, vegetables, soda, and other commonly eaten canned goods. The study was spearheaded by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) and targeted the chemical bisphenol A (BPA), a plastic and resin ingredient used to line metal food and drink cans. There are no government safety standards limiting the amount of BPA in canned food.EWG's tests found:Of all foods tested, chicken soup, infant formula, and ravioli had BPA levels of highest concern. Just one to three servings of foods with these concentrations could expose a woman or child to BPA at levels that caused serious adverse effects in animal tests. For 1 in 10 cans of all food tested, and 1 in 3 cans of infant formula, a single serving contained enough BPA to expose a woman or infant to BPA levels more than 200 times the government's traditional safe level of exposure for industrial chemicals. The government typically mandates a 1,000- to 3,000-fold margin of safety between human exposures and levels found to harm lab animals, but these servings contained levels of BPA less than 5 times lower than doses that harmed lab animals. BPA testing in canned food. We contracted with a national analytical laboratory to test 97 cans of food we purchased in March 2006 in three major, chain supermarkets in Atlanta, Georgia; Oakland, California; and Clinton, Connecticut. The lab tested 30 brands of food altogether, 27 national brands and 3 store brands. Among the foods we tested are 20 of the 40 canned foods most commonly consumed by women of childbearing age (NHANES, 2002), including soda, canned tuna, peaches, pineapples, green beans, corn, and tomato and chicken noodle soups. We also tested canned infant formula. The lab detected BPA in fifty-seven percent of all cans.
I think we all need to look in our cupboards and throw out anything with ingredients we cannot pronounce, any artificial colorings & flavors, MSG, and any else that is not a real food. Also, we need to get rid of the chemical cleaning supplies and start using natural products like Seventh Generation, Method Cleaner, or use baking soda and vinegar. We need to do this for our children, the animals, our environment, and our planet.
Here's another website that is worth looking at: http://www.newstarget.com/
I just listened to an interview with Mike Adams and it was very informative. Please look at the articles and educate yourself.
I truly believe in the raw food movement and eating nutrient dense, alive, whole, organic food.
Even if you take baby steps to improve your diet, that's a great start. For example, have a smoothie in the morning instead of processed cereal and milk. Have a big salad for lunch instead of fast food. Snack on fruits and veggies instead of candy bars and sodas. Little changes will help you in the long run.
Well, I hope some of you who are reading this have felt a little bit inspired to look at what you are eating and change your diet and lifestyle. There is tons more information on the internet and in books. Please do some research and take charge of your health. You don't have to be in pain, taking medicines, feeling crappy everyday. You can change and feel better. Think positively!!
Here's my appreciations for today:
1) My wonderful family
2) My awesome husband
3) My adorable children
4) My friends
5) Eating organic yummy raw foods
6) Sunshine
7) Exercise
8) Internet
9) My health
10) My attitude
Love, Shelly