Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Merry Christmas!!!

boys opening presents at 5:45am!Ian & his dragon!
Ronan & his princess!

New books!

Ronan and the king

"Twas the Night Before Christmas" Book
Mommy opening up her new Earth Vegan Shoes
Daddy loves all his presents (this one is the Thunderbird calendar)
Ian playing with the new castle
boys enjoying the castle and their new toys

Ronan put all the ornaments back into their drawers for next year
Huge Castle!!
Ronan showing off his new "weather" shirt from Nana and James
Ian in is new "weather" shirt from Nana & James
We were trying to get a good family picture at Auntie Debbie's house but the kids wouldn't cooperate...oh well!

Busia and Ian opening up presents

Cindy showing Dean the books and Bingo game we got him.
Dezi...almost 1 year old!

The boys and their presents (they were wiped out!!)

Merry Christmas Everyone!! The boys woke up at 5:45am ready for the day (Ian was counting to 100 in his bed which woke up Matthew and Ronan (Matthew was sleeping with Ronan b/c he woke up at 4am and wouldn't go back to sleep). So, we had a very early start to our day and opened all our presents by 6:15am. Santa was very generous this year and brought the boys a brand new wooden castle, wooden figures (king, queen, princess, troll, dragons), jewels and stones, soft throwing comet like thing (which they love throwing around), raw trail mix, & lots of great books. Matthew got lots of videos for work, books, clothes, socks, and some thunderbird toys, calendar, & books. I got some awesome Earth Vegan shoes (but they are a little bit too big), books (Antastasia book & Dr. Graham's raw food recipe book), a beautiful bracelet, rock crystal lamp, and a Buddha statue. We all had a relaxing day in the morning and played with all our new gifts. Then we went to Auntie Debbie's house and had another Christmas celebration with the family. We all had a great time with the family and opened up more presents. The boys got more than they need, that's for sure.
Of course we missed Tom and Dawn and hope that next year things will be different and we'll all be able to spend Christmas together. Also, my Busia and Dziadz were going to come too, but Busia didn't feel good and couldn't make it. We would have loved to have Nana and James here (I know the boys would love it), so maybe next Christmas you two could come!! We also missed everyone else in our extended family. I hope you all had a very wonderful Christmas!!!
We are so blessed and very grateful for everything!

I am so thankful for:
1) my wonderful husband
2) my awesome children
3) my parents, sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, & in-laws
4) being with family
5) wonderful weather
6) great food
7) my health
8) sunshine
9) exercise
10) raw food
Love to you all, Shelly

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