I'm sorry I haven't written in 4 days...wow, time does fly! I've been tired and trying to be on the computer less, but I'm still on my cleanse.
Sunday, Ronan felt just fine when he woke up; we really think it's the tomatoes that are just too acidic for him. I took Ian to the Farmer's Market and he helped me shop. I learned that you should take your children out on "dates" to reconnect with them (through the parenting class I took). So, Matthew and I are going to switch off and take each kids somewhere each weekend. After the Farmer's Market, we went to Steven's party at O'Neil Park. It was a lot of fun and Rachel had made a vegan chocolate cake (that I heard was just wonderful) and had vegan food for the boys. Thank you Rachel!!
After the party, I helped out Blythe and Olga put together 400 boxes for their event in Los Angeles. Ricky Lake was showing her documentary of the "The Business of Being Born" and Blythe and Olga (their new business "Oasis Child") were one of the sponsors. I can't tell you how insane it was to put together 400 boxes...I was there from 4-9pm and they didn't sleep all night. Insane!!
Anyway, I survived that day by just eating 2 green smoothies and then had a fruit smoothie when I was helping them. I felt really good and not hungry until about 8pm. I didn't sleep well Sunday night (I was cold and kept getting up to pee from the smoothie) and then Monday I was sooooooooooooooooo tired and my legs were sore from standing. We went to the Toddler in the Garden class on Monday at Casper's Park. It seemed like everyone was tired. Mondays are just hard sometimes when we have a busy weekend.
I had green smoothies on Monday and was tired (I didn't workout).
On Tuesday, we just stayed home and Jane and Jakey came over to play. It was nice not having to go anywhere. We all were a little less crabby that day. Ronan took a nap which was good and I went to Pilates. I thought I would be tired at Pilates but I did pretty good. I think I had 2 green smoothies and a veggie juice before Pilates and then a green soup for dinner.
Today, Wednesday, we ran today (I wasn't feeling my best).
Here's what I ate today:
-mason jar of warm water and lemon
-veggie juice (pineapple, celery, parsley, asian spinach)
-green smoothie (banana, persimmons, asian spinach and parsley & Dr. Green powder)
-green soup (tomatoes, celery, chard, basil, lemon, garlic, 1/2 avocado) OK, little bit too lemony
-spoonful of raw honey with coconut butter & a banana (I was really hungry and crabby and this was the first time ate something that wasn't blended)
-green smoothie (bananas, soaked goji berries, chard) it was OK, not great
Today was good up until after we got home from the library (we went to storytime) and Ronan fell asleep in the car. I transferred him to his bed and he woke up right away. So, for the entire rest of the day he was super crabby and I was too. I just needed a break and some rest. It is really hard during this cleanse, I really need to rest for at least 30 minutes and I can't. I eventually put on some vidoes for the kids and I rested a bit in bed. UGH!!!After a big struggle with running about eating dinner (he refused to eat his veggies), we had a nice bath and they were in bed by 6:40pm. Matthew said it won't kill him to not eat his veggies, but I think it's really important to eat veggies especially at this time of year when there is more colds & flus. ugh!!!
I'll post some pictures tomorrow of the boys.
Off to relax while I can....
Love, Shelly