Friday, January 11, 2008

Day 5 of Detox Diet!

Today was day 5 of my 21 Day Detox Diet. I'm feeling tired still, but loving my green smoothies.
Here's what I ate today:
6:00am- mason jar of warm water with lemon (the boys were up at 5:30am today)
6:15am- 1/2 grapefruit and a bowl of raspberries
8:00- rode the bike for 30 mins
9:00- green smoothie (blueberries and oranges with mini sprouts from Trader Joe's with Dr. Greens powder - I can't remember what else) and sprinkled with goji berries and mulberries
Ronan and I walked to our park and then went to the Farmer's Market to stock up on fruits and veggies (we found some organic grapes, strawberries and pomegrantes - Yes!!)
12:00- veggie green juice from Mother's Market (it was sweeter than I'm used to so I need ask them to not put in so many apples next time)
2:00- green smoothie (pineapple, tangerines and orange with spinach and mixed lettuce) sprinkled with goji berries, mulberries, and raisins
We walked to the park again - I had to get all of us out of the house because we were all tired and grumpy.
6:45pm- Avocado salsa (onion, garlic, cilantro, lemon juice, tomatoes, avocado, sea salt, and cucumber) using celery and cucumber to dip.
Oh, Ian is doing just fine. He doesn't seem bothered by his banged up lip, thank goodness.

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