Sunday, March 30, 2008

The Story of Stuff

Well, I haven't blogged in so long and really want to get back into it. I will try to blog every weekend, but I'm not making promises.
I was just informed of this video called, "The Story of Stuff" and it is just amazing.
Please watch it,
and I hope you are moved to change some part of your life so that we can help our planet and ourselves. It's 20 minutes long but totally worth your time. We are totally committed to buying less stuff, recycling as much as possible, reusing as much as possible and buying used stuff when we can. We are also going to not buy any plastic toys or products for the house or kids and ask our family members and friends to do the same. We need to think about the effects all of this processing and chemical waste that is affecting our air we breathe and our soil where our crops are being produced. Please help save our planet!!!

Love, Shelly

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