Saturday, August 11, 2007

Very First Post

Greetings Everyone!!

We finally created a blog to journal our family life and the adventures we take with our two wonderful boys. I'll be posting pictures of the boys and places we visit regularly and I'll post my journey with raw foods too. I started experimenting with raw foods last year (I've been on and off of it for the past year) but now I've been eating 100% raw for the past 32 days. Raw foods is the best diet/lifestyle and I think we should all be eating this way for our health, for the environment, for the animals and for our children. The boys eat mostly organic, non processed foods, no meat products, no eggs, they do eat raw honey, raw cheese, and raw butter. We love to travel and have been to England, Hawaii and Oregon with the kids. We also love going to the beach and exploring the tidepools, hiking, and playing in our garden. We hope to do more travels this year and look forward to sharing our journeys with all of you.



gemgal said...

O MY GOSH SHELLY!! Your boys are beeeeaaauuutiful!! They look so much like you!! I am so happy to get your message and to read about your wonderful life xo Your husband is adorable!! I did meet him but it was just before you married...I am so very happy for you :) Stay in touch will you? How is your amazing family?? PLEASE give them my very best xo Jerry and I are currently in Jackson Hole is ah-mazing here..Here is our blog: I will keep your blog address and check it for any updates..Where is YOUR pic?? xoox BIG HUGS and KISSES xoErika

Mead Family (Matthew, Shelly, Ian and Ronan) said...

YEAH ERIKA!!!!!!!!!It's so great to hear from you. I'm so glad you wrote and posted your blog. I've been looking at all the places you've!! I can't wait to talk to you about all of your two look so cute together. I'll write you more privately. xoxoxShelly