Saturday, September 8, 2007

Catching up on my blog- Thursday

I'm sorry I haven't written in my blog since Wednesday (sorry Nana!). Sometimes I so tired in the evening that I just don't want to be on the computer, but I will try to post everyday so that you can see what we've been doing and get an update on the boys.

So, Thursday we had playgroup at my house as usual. I have my friends from my Attachment Parenting Mom's group come over and we try to chat while the kids play. I didn't know how Ian would be because he's usually in preschool on Thursdays and Fridays (he's not in school the entire month of September because his teacher is in Ireland with her family). Ian was really excited about playgroup and ended up having lots of fun and he shared really well with everyone. The boys were playing in the tent with Kamryn and playing with T-Rex Mountain. Then after playgroup Ronan took a nap and then Amber came over to babysit. I did my errands, came home and the boys really excited because they got a package in the mail from Nana and James (from England). Ian got a really cool fossil/crystal and they both got small animal figures and they got foam truck puzzles. Amber was putting one of the trucks together when I got home and Ian was super excited to show me everything. THANK YOU NANA AND JAMES!!! Ronan is doing better when I leave and is finally starting to really like Amber. He calls her "Amber bamber" - it's very cute.

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