Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Park Day w/ Kim and family

This morning I rode the bike for 45 minutes while Matthew took the boys for a walk to the park. We are trying to get the boys outside every morning to get some exercise and enjoy the sunshine before Matthew has to go to work (they usually walk to the park or walk around the block). Then I took the boys to the park to meet my friend Kim and her children (Mikayla, Ashley and Dylan). I met Kim at a prenatal yoga class when we were pregnant with our first child and then we got pregnant again at the same time (she had twins). We never can get together because of conflicting schedules so today was so nice to hang out for a little bit and talk. Mikayla loves Ian and wants to marry him one day (isn't that funny!). Ian had fun running around the park with Mikayla. It's been pretty hot again these last few days, around 85 degrees, so I can't wait for the cooler weather. I'm hoping it cools down this weekend. I made veggie wraps for dinner and the boys ate it all up. The wraps were a raw tortilla, beets, cucumbers, sprouts, raw cheese, carrots, lettuce, and zucchini. I was so amazed and happy that they liked the wraps. I'm trying to figure out other ways to get the boys to eat vegetables and to find some great kid friendly raw recipes for dinner.
My appreciations for today:
-my wonderful family
-my awesome husband for always taking the boys on a walk in the morning
-my amazing children
-Riding the bike
-Meeting Kim at the park
-Realizing how fast time flies and how fast kids grow up
-My health
-the boys eating tons of veggies tonight
-My babysitter, Amber
Love, Shelly

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