Monday, November 12, 2007

over the weekend

Wow, I can't believe it's already been a week since I posted. This week just flew by!
Lets see, what did we do over the weekend. On Saturday I went to Pilates and the boys played at the park. Then we went to Home Depot to buy some things for the house - the boys loved looking at the Christmas Decorations (can you believe there are Christmas Decorations already??!!). Matthew had the boys all afternoon and I went to my massage and then visited Emily. It was a great day!!
On Sunday I went to the Farmer's Market and the boys went back to Home Depot to get another part that we needed (Matthew was replacing the screen mesh on the screen in the front room). Then we went to my grandparent's house and had a little visit with them. We saw all of the damage the fire caused and couldn't believe how close it got to so many houses. Thank you so much firefighters!!! Then we went to my parent's house and played there for the rest of the evening. Dezirae is walking now and is so cute to watch her getting around (she's 10 months old). The boys were playing so well together and having so much fun. I forgot my camera so I didn't take any pictures (sorry!).

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