Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Beach Day!

Another beautiful day in paradise! We went to the beach again today and had a wonderful time. The boys enjoyed throwing stones in the ocean and watching the huge waves crash. It wasn't a good beach to run and play in the water because there were lots of stones and big waves, but we still had fun. I just love the ocean and looking at the waves. It is very relaxing and soothing. I could have stayed there all day but we had to get home so the boys could nap....or so I thought. They both fell asleep in the car, but when I transferred them to their beds, they both woke up. Ronan would not go back to sleep and had a full on tantrum. After this episode today I realized something about myself....I realized that I get mad when my expectations are not met. Like today, I was hoping to have a break, read my book, relax, eat a nice salad while the boys took a nap. But when that didn't happen, I got really mad. When I talked to my awesome husband, he said you have to expect the unexpected with children and that is so true!! He is so smart!
So, I'm really going to work on this every day.

Here's my appreciations for today:
1)My wonderful family
2) My awesome husband and his words of wisdom
3) My fantastic children
4) Riding the bike this morning
5) Spending time at the beach
6) Living in Southern California
7) Sunshine
8) Ocean
9) My friends
10) My health
Bye for now, Shelly

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