Monday, August 20, 2007

Green smoothie/Garden class

This morning I had a very green smoothie: 1 orange, 10 oz bag of frozen mangoes, 2 dates, 4 oz of spinach (from a container), and Alissa's green powder (probably about 1 tsp).

Here's what we did and ate today:

I had a glass full of' the green smoothie (both kids thought it was too green for them, but they tried it which is great), then rode the bike for about 35 minutes, had a little bit of yellow watermelon, then went to Home Expo to talk to a designer about remolding our bathrooms (we are having major mold damage), then came home and picked up the kids (they went on a walk with Daddy) and went to a gardening class for the kids. On the way to the class, I downed another cup full of the green smoothie. The kids had a fun time at the class. They fed the turtles, tortoises, horse, goats, rabbits and chickens. They they got to make seed balls (which is the photo above - Ian holding one that has not been dried yet). Seed balls are made up clay, soil, wildflowers, gourds and other seeds. You are suppose to dry them out in the sun and then put them in a place in your garden where it doesn't get too much water. Then when the next rain comes, it will wash away the clay and the seeds will grow. While we were at the class, I had some nectarine and watermelon. The boys snacked on watermelon, grapes, nectarines and raw cheezy almonds. We got home (Ronan fell asleep on the way home- yeah!) and I made a raw sandwich using the RAWvolution onion bread, raw cheeze, sprouts, tomato, and avocado. It was so good I had to make another one. Then I snacked on some goji/coconut/tahini balls. Later in the day I made fresh almond milk for the boys and had some of their leftovers. Almond milk is super easy to make: soak almonds overnight (12-48 hrs) and rinse, throw them in the vitamix (I have a hemp milk maker from England that I use), add a pinch of Himalayan Sea Salt, 1/2 tsp olive oil, 4 dates, 1 vanilla bean, and some cinnamon. Man or Man this is so yummy!!!
For dinner I had a salad with butter leaf lettuce, carrots, tomatoes, red bell pepper, pumpkin seeds, dulse and a raw dressing. Yum!

My appreciations for today:
1) My awesome family
2) My wonderful husband who loves to play with the kids in the morning so I can exericise, or make food, or clean or go on errands
3) My beautiful children who make me laugh everyday
4) Riding the bike
5) Going to the gardening class with the kids
6) Watching my children feeding the animals
7) Watching Ian making the seed balls
8) Sunshine
9) My health
Bye for now, Shelly

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