Saturday, August 18, 2007

Watermelon Farm Tour

Today we went watermelon picking and toured Tenaka Farms. The boys loved riding the tractor and trying out the various veggies and fruit. They gave us carrots, beans, corn, cucumbers, sweet melon, and yellow and red watermelon to try. I think we all liked the sweet melon (type of cantaloupe) and the yellow watermelon the best. Ronan loved squirting the water bottle and was very upset when we had to give it back. One of the photos is of Ian sitting by his friend Camryn and they were having fun making funny faces. After the tour we went to the bookshop and bought a few books for the kids (I can't resist buying books). And then we went to the Raw Food Festival in Huntington Beach. We had all raw ice cream, raw jackfruit/coconut creme pie, and chocolate cake. I also tried a lot of samples (pizza, salads, pudding, dips, crackers, etc). I brought home nori rolls, seaweed soup, pad thai noodles, olive oil, vanilla beans, cultured veggies, buckwheat and sunflower sprouts, and "Play food cheeze" ( I forgot to take pictures of the lovely food. :( The boys crashed out in the car on the way home so they had a very nice nap. We went to a neighbor's pool pary in the evening (birthday party) and the boys did some great swiming. Since today was crazy, I didn't get a chance to write down what I ate; I'll do that tomorrow.
Here's what I appreciate today:
1) My wondeful family
2) My awesome children
3) Waking up to hearing the boys playing in the front room at 5:45am (so cute!).
4) Going to Pilates in the morning
5) Going to the watermelon tour and trying yummy organic fruits and veggies
6) Going to the bookshop and watching the boys get so excited about books :)
7) Going to the raw food festival and meeting my friend and her kids there
8) Buying really yummy raw food
9) The boys taking a long nap
10) The warm sunshine

Bye for now,

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