Saturday, August 25, 2007

Ian's Birthday Party!

I'm sorry I didn't post the last couple of days. I completely forgot to post on Thursday and Friday night. I get so busy in the evening that sometimes I just don't want to be on the computer. Today we had a mini party for Ian. My Mom and Dad, Joanne, Cindy, Dean and Dezi (7 months), and Emily came over and we had a lovely time. I made (all raw) a salad, veggies with dip, yummy cookie balls, chocolate brownies, ice cream, and fruit salad. The ice cream was a real hit, especially the peachy one. :)
Peachy Dream raw ice cream:
2 cups cashews (soaked for a few hours)
2 peaches
1 banana
5 dates
1/4 cup lucuma powder
1 vanilla bean
1 1/2 cup coconut water

Mix all ingredients together in vitamix, then freeze in ice cube trays and freeze. Once frozen, take them out and put in Champion Juicer with blank plate on or after mixing in vitamix, place in ice cream maker and follow directions.

Ian had a great time playing with everyone and loved all the presents. Both boys are still awake right now and playing with the new toys and puzzles. They do not seem too tired yet, but we are tired and ready for them to go to bed. Ian's been up since 5 am too!
Here's my appreciations for today:
1) Ian, my amazing little boy who teaches me to live in the moment
2) Ronan, my amazing little boy who teaches me patience and understanding (got to love those terrible twos!)
3) My awesome husband who kept the kids busy today so I could clean the house and make food!!
4) My wonderful family for coming up to visit
5) Seeing baby Dezi crawling (she is so darn cute!)
6) My good friend Emily for coming to visit
7) Going to Pilates on a Saturday morning
8) Making delicious raw food
9) My health
10) Sunshine
Love, Shelly
P.S. Tom and Dawn are coming over next weekend to celebrate Ian's birthday so it will be great to see them...hmmm, what should I make?

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