Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Farmer's Market Day!

Today we went to a different Farmer's Market because I didn't get to go my usual one on Sundays. It was smaller, but there was still great food (except no avocadoes, kale, chard, oranges or lemons). I bought the following for $48: 3 pack strawberries, red & black grapes, 5 fugi apples, 6 nectarines, 8 peaches, 2 plums, watermelon, honeydew, cantaloupe, 3 tomatoes, 1 onion, 1 celery, 2 heads of broccoli, 3 bell peppers, 5 corn on the cobs, 4 zucchini, 3 yellow squash, cilantro, basil, 2 bags mixed lettuce, 1 bag spinach. Here's a link to find your local farmer's market so you can support your local farmers: http://www.ams.usda.gov/farmersmarkets/map.htm

Today I appreciate:
1) My wonderful family
2) My awesome husband
3) My amazing children
4) Farmer's Markets
5) My babysitter
6) Pilates
7) Raw foods
8) Sunshine
9) My health
10) Sleep
Love, Shelly
P.S. Both boys have slept all night for the past 2 nights. I told them both before going to bed that to please sleep all night and wake up when the sun is up and that's when we get to play with toys. Today I'm more tired than ever and I don't know if it's the full night of sleep I got or what. My body is definitely not used to sleeping all night. I've probably slept all night maybe 5 times in the past 4 years. UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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